Ethics Policies
LMAA Conflict of Interest Policy
All LMAA members must prevent any real or perceived conflict of interest between adjudication of a LMEA evaluation/contest and any organization participating in that event.
A judge may not evaluate an organization event in music if that judge has served as a clinician-conductor for any school organization in that region or area and conference during the current school year. The rule does not apply to clinicians for All-District, All-State and other honor band/ensemble organizations.
A judge may not accept a judging invitation from a region, area or zone in which that judge formerly taught, unless four years have elapsed since the time of last employment in that region, area or zone.
Return Engagement. A judge may not be invited for a return engagement to adjudicate an organization event (band, orchestra, or choir) in the same district unless two years have elapsed since he or she last judged that specific event. Sightreading and stage shall be considered separate events for the purpose of this section.
Conflict of Interest. A district may not employ a judge, nor a judge accept an adjudication assignment if there is a known conflict of interest.
LMAA Ethics Policy
The adjudicator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community. The adjudicator, in maintaining the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty and good moral character. The adjudicator will uphold the intent of all LMAA adjudication practices and abide by all LMEA and LMAA rules.
Adjudicators shall know and uphold all rules for music competition in the current issue of the Constitution and Handbook published by the Louisiana Music Educators Association.
Adjudicators shall be physically, emotionally and mentally fit to discharge their duties at music contests.
Adjudicators shall maintain an ethical code of conduct which will not impair or prejudice effectiveness as a judge, before, during and immediately following the competing dates.
Adjudicators will honor all contracts, assignments and duties as prescribed by the contest chairman. Prompt notification of the contest chairman regarding emergency situations is required.
Adjudicators shall not discuss other adjudicators with directors or school officials. Criticism of other adjudicators will be made in writing to the LMAA in accordance with the LMAA GRIEVANCE POLICY.
Guidelines on Implementing Actions for Violations of the LMAA Ethics Policy
1. The incident will be investigated.
2. If the accusation is found to be true and it violates the LMAA Ethics Policy, the member will be asked to relinquish their membership. If the member refuses, then due process will be implemented according to the GRIEVANCE POLICY.
All LMAA members must prevent any real or perceived conflict of interest between adjudication of a LMEA evaluation/contest and any organization participating in that event.
A judge may not evaluate an organization event in music if that judge has served as a clinician-conductor for any school organization in that region or area and conference during the current school year. The rule does not apply to clinicians for All-District, All-State and other honor band/ensemble organizations.
A judge may not accept a judging invitation from a region, area or zone in which that judge formerly taught, unless four years have elapsed since the time of last employment in that region, area or zone.
Return Engagement. A judge may not be invited for a return engagement to adjudicate an organization event (band, orchestra, or choir) in the same district unless two years have elapsed since he or she last judged that specific event. Sightreading and stage shall be considered separate events for the purpose of this section.
Conflict of Interest. A district may not employ a judge, nor a judge accept an adjudication assignment if there is a known conflict of interest.
LMAA Ethics Policy
The adjudicator shall comply with standard practices and ethical conduct toward students, professional colleagues, school officials, parents, and members of the community. The adjudicator, in maintaining the dignity of the profession, shall respect and obey the law, demonstrate personal integrity, and exemplify honesty and good moral character. The adjudicator will uphold the intent of all LMAA adjudication practices and abide by all LMEA and LMAA rules.
Adjudicators shall know and uphold all rules for music competition in the current issue of the Constitution and Handbook published by the Louisiana Music Educators Association.
Adjudicators shall be physically, emotionally and mentally fit to discharge their duties at music contests.
Adjudicators shall maintain an ethical code of conduct which will not impair or prejudice effectiveness as a judge, before, during and immediately following the competing dates.
Adjudicators will honor all contracts, assignments and duties as prescribed by the contest chairman. Prompt notification of the contest chairman regarding emergency situations is required.
Adjudicators shall not discuss other adjudicators with directors or school officials. Criticism of other adjudicators will be made in writing to the LMAA in accordance with the LMAA GRIEVANCE POLICY.
Guidelines on Implementing Actions for Violations of the LMAA Ethics Policy
1. The incident will be investigated.
2. If the accusation is found to be true and it violates the LMAA Ethics Policy, the member will be asked to relinquish their membership. If the member refuses, then due process will be implemented according to the GRIEVANCE POLICY.