Membership Requirements
In order to be considered for Active Member status in the Louisiana Music Adjudicators Association, all candidates must satisfy the following requirements:
Successful Teaching Component
Employment in Music Education Component
A candidate must be currently employed (or retired from a position) in the State of Louisiana as either
Workshop Component
A candidate must have completed a LMAA judging workshop in the performance areas in which he or she is applying to judge.
Maintaining Membership
To maintain active membership, members shall:
Membership Dues and Fees
Application Fee - $75
Workshop Fee
For a complete list of requirements, please see the LMAA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.
Successful Teaching Component
- School music educators must have earned a Sweepstakes Award at LMEA Large Ensemble Assessment in three (3) of the past five (5) years. In the case of co-directors, the Executive Secretary will review the applicant and the Executive Board will determine if the applicant meets the criteria.
- College/university music educators, music administrators, and retired educators must have earned a Sweepstakes Award at any state MEA Assessment in at least three (3) of the last five (5) years of their last teaching experience.
Employment in Music Education Component
A candidate must be currently employed (or retired from a position) in the State of Louisiana as either
- A school music educator
- A college/university music educator, or
- A school music administrator
Workshop Component
A candidate must have completed a LMAA judging workshop in the performance areas in which he or she is applying to judge.
Maintaining Membership
To maintain active membership, members shall:
- Attend an LMAA workshop once every five (5) years.
- Maintain active membership by paying all required fees and dues.
- Re-apply for Active Membership to prove that they have continued to satisfy the qualifications as stated in Article 1 - Section A of the LMAA Bylaws.
- Active Members who have retired from positions in music education or music administration may continue their membership in LMAA, with the exception of those who pursue full time careers in areas that would be considered to be a conflict of interest. Retired Members shall conform to all other components required of Active Members.
Membership Dues and Fees
Application Fee - $75
- Initial application fee applies to all new members.
- Includes 5 years of membership fees.
- Additional application fee due when reapplying for membership every five years.
Workshop Fee
- Included with application fee.
- Non-members $30
- College students FREE
For a complete list of requirements, please see the LMAA Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws.